

Cynthia Berg was first nested in Colorado Springs, CO. Growing up in her lonely youth as an only child, she had plenty of time on her hands to expand her mind and creativity. Aspiring to one day become a novelist, her dreams of becoming one came crashing down from continued agony. There was only one medium left to release her juxtaposed emotions to the world; art.

Cynthia, self-taught, specializes in oil paintings that conclude figurative work, hyperrealistic portraiture, abstract dimensions, landscapes, and your occasional cat or banana flag. With a wealth of detail and brilliant characterization, she depicts the profligate and inane existence of colorful youthful activity. Cynthia invented a sort of visual shorthand that enabled her to recall with perfect clarity whatever sight she wished to retain. She became, by this means, an enormously learned artist possessing a profound visual understanding. 

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